Friday, June 1, 2007

Raja's Monthly Memories


Time is flying (in the shape of a crow or a parrot?). Well, mommy wants to speed these entries up because I'm full of new surprises everyday and she doesn't want to miss them! February and March were busy times as we helped prepare Maria and Kaleem to go back to India. Shopping, packing, weighing bags, re-packing, re-weighing bags... Yeah...Plus we tried to have many friends over to greet them and of course taste chef Maria's dishes... Here's a couple shots...
this is me and Alba.............. dada, mommy, Maria, Rajsekhar and his
wife, Kaleem and me.....

I just love my dada. I also love his, cell phone, t.v., fax machine...if it beeps, gives off shiny lights I love it! So, although you may think I'm helping dada work, I'm really waiting my turn to pound on the keyboard...
don't I look mischevious?

Mommy and Maria had fun taking my photo, I even wore my teddy's bears suit...

I think my head is bigger than my teddy bear's, but couldn't you just squeeze and cuddle me? :-)

One of the biggest highlights this month is that Great-grandma McKissick came to visit me all the way from Kansas!! She thinks I am so cute! I haven't been to Kansas yet, but I can hardly wait to meet more cousins and relatives when I do. Mommy grew up there.

Daddy grew up in India and I'm planning on meeting my other grandparents, cousins and relatives the end of this year! I will keep you posted!

Mommy always feeds me breakfast outside in our backyard. My favorite food is raggi (red millet) and baby tea (thanks, Aunt Juli). After I eat, then we get to swing on the hammock.

One day I surprised everyone (technically I can't crawl) by climbing up the hammock fast as a circus monkey! It kinda scared me too, so ever since I'm just happy to sit on mom's lap. Hey, know what I'm looking at in this photo? Besides some tall grasses, we have tall yellow flowers back here. I pick the blossoms and give them to mommy? Aren't I a sweet boy? Isn't Maria strong?

Well, we said goodbye to Aunty Maria on 20th March. I won't tell you who cried most (well, I really don't know). But I want to thank you, Maria, for being a light in my young life. You give nice baths. Marie biscuits are named after you! That Dodge Magnum car still plays great! Nobody can put me to sleep quite as well as you. You sing beautifully and love me so much. Mommy and daddy appreciate all you did so self-lessly and with such joy. We pray God grants the desires of your heart and you fill others lives with much happiness and care as you did ours. We love you!
Kaleem left April 3rd. So, now, after a year we live as a small family unit. We miss all the activity, but we're adjusting. Mommy and daddy are doing their best to love and care for me. I'm happy mostly and love meeting neighbors, friends, family and anyone else who smiles at me. I haven't met a stranger yet. Are you smiling? OK, you're my friend, too!
We'll meet up again in April. (Weird how the calender says June and I'm saying April...)
God be with you till we meet again.
David Raja

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