Sunday, October 14, 2007

We should write more often...

As I read other blogging friends and relatives, I get inspired, challenged, blessed and humored. I blame being a perfectionist the reason you don't see more of our blogs. Or getting stuck in a rut, too. Let's change that. No promises as to inspirational, challenging or even humorous entries REGULARLY, but an attempt is just now being made. An apology to those who check here often only to be met with month-old entries at best(worse than day-old bread!).

Enough said. Excuses...

So, what shall we talk about?


Okay. He's high on my list! He turns a year old on 23rd of October. I'm already feeling nostalgic about him getting older and out of baby-hood. Every day is filled with new awarenesses and discoveries for him and us.

One day last week it happened in threes... First, he discovered his legs float in water while in the bathtub. The first time he lifted them together, he fell backwards. But he tried it 2 or 3 times more for fun. Second, he found that if he pinches his nose closed, his voice alters when saying his name...Ra-da...and third, he grouped all the drinking straws he could find under the dining room table. When I looked underneath, he was tooting happily with three straws in his!

He started walking this weekend. Yesterday he took 16 consecutive steps. And today? More (couldn't count).

We're busy planning his 1st birthday party on the 20th and packing for our trip to India. We'll be gone 5th November through 5th December. Hopefully we'll keep you posted..

Grandpa and Grandma Burke moved down to Jacksonville from Kansas two or so weeks ago. Dad flew out and brought them back while two of my brothers drove the moving van. My third brother, Tim, challenged his older brothers to drive straight from Kansas to Florida without stopping (you know). I mean, he tried it from Florida to Seattle, so what's the big deal? Always up for a challenge, Nate and John had the goal to reach mom and dad's house before dad reached home from the airport with the folks. AND they did it! Even Derick, Raja and I got there to give them the grand welcome! Thankfully, they are moved into their new place and are settling in. It's so wonderful to have more family nearby. Now, if only John and Tim would move back too. :-)

Our Indian bible study started up again due to requests from our friends. They asked Derick for an overview of the bible, so we started in Genesis with, "In the beginning...God.." It's very exciting to see their hunger for the word of God and the joy-filled fellowship. Pray for our group. Pray also for Derick's daily encounters with co-workers and mine with neighbors that we would authentically live our faith and encourage the hurting.

Okay, that's our news.

No pictures (except in words) this time.

-Sarah, for all the Leonards