Sunday, October 14, 2007

We should write more often...

As I read other blogging friends and relatives, I get inspired, challenged, blessed and humored. I blame being a perfectionist the reason you don't see more of our blogs. Or getting stuck in a rut, too. Let's change that. No promises as to inspirational, challenging or even humorous entries REGULARLY, but an attempt is just now being made. An apology to those who check here often only to be met with month-old entries at best(worse than day-old bread!).

Enough said. Excuses...

So, what shall we talk about?


Okay. He's high on my list! He turns a year old on 23rd of October. I'm already feeling nostalgic about him getting older and out of baby-hood. Every day is filled with new awarenesses and discoveries for him and us.

One day last week it happened in threes... First, he discovered his legs float in water while in the bathtub. The first time he lifted them together, he fell backwards. But he tried it 2 or 3 times more for fun. Second, he found that if he pinches his nose closed, his voice alters when saying his name...Ra-da...and third, he grouped all the drinking straws he could find under the dining room table. When I looked underneath, he was tooting happily with three straws in his!

He started walking this weekend. Yesterday he took 16 consecutive steps. And today? More (couldn't count).

We're busy planning his 1st birthday party on the 20th and packing for our trip to India. We'll be gone 5th November through 5th December. Hopefully we'll keep you posted..

Grandpa and Grandma Burke moved down to Jacksonville from Kansas two or so weeks ago. Dad flew out and brought them back while two of my brothers drove the moving van. My third brother, Tim, challenged his older brothers to drive straight from Kansas to Florida without stopping (you know). I mean, he tried it from Florida to Seattle, so what's the big deal? Always up for a challenge, Nate and John had the goal to reach mom and dad's house before dad reached home from the airport with the folks. AND they did it! Even Derick, Raja and I got there to give them the grand welcome! Thankfully, they are moved into their new place and are settling in. It's so wonderful to have more family nearby. Now, if only John and Tim would move back too. :-)

Our Indian bible study started up again due to requests from our friends. They asked Derick for an overview of the bible, so we started in Genesis with, "In the beginning...God.." It's very exciting to see their hunger for the word of God and the joy-filled fellowship. Pray for our group. Pray also for Derick's daily encounters with co-workers and mine with neighbors that we would authentically live our faith and encourage the hurting.

Okay, that's our news.

No pictures (except in words) this time.

-Sarah, for all the Leonards

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

July Days

July...what fun!

Did somebody say we're packing? I'm ready!!!......................

What better way to start off then a birthday party? Uncle Nate's family was in Slovakia for the summer, so we took him to our favorite Mexican restaurant: La and good! Love the sombrero!
Nani-ma, Uncle Nate, me and mama... oh, and the cake...I think I'll kick it (it's round like a ball..)Nani says, "No, don't kick that."Uncle Nate says, "Eat your toes instead."
What to do? You can't kick your cake and have it to! Oh well...

So, that was July 2nd. On July 4th we made a surprise stop-over in Orlando to visit friends of Daddy's. Elvino, Preeti and Ethan. We went to their hotel in Disney and hung out all day. It was my first time in a swimming pool. Kicking!!!Delighted!!!


We went to Burnsville, NC where dada and mama had their honeymoon! A friend from church lent us their cabin. It's in Mountain Air Country Club on top of a mountain (everything is mountain in NC!). The weather was pristine - not hot and humid like Florida! Here we are: I learned to crawl up stairs, throw and chase golf balls (indoors, not on the green!), and pull electrical cords. Mama and dada were always on the lookout for me!We swam at the pool, sat in the hot tub, I watched kids playing ping pong, air hockey and mama and dada play pool. We watched Toy Story II and Monk, ate out on the deck, went to a nature center, even had breakfast at the restaurant there. We took walks and rides on the golf trails, watched small planes take off and land, swung, sang, and entertained countless people!

A big highlight was our friends, Nag, Sheela, Anesh, Vikram, Misty (baby to be), and Vikram's mom visit us. Aunty loved me!Can hardly wait to meet baby Johanna!!!!!!!!

Vikram had a birthday, so we celebrated with a pistachio cake and wild flowers!

Here's Sheela feeding Anesh...

And other photos of Nag, Sheela and Anesh Sheela (and Misty)Anesh! You are one cute kid!

A highlight for all of us was to hear Vikram and Derick "jam"! They both played together in a band in college, then at each other's weddings! Simply wonderful.. maybe an album one day? (hint,hint!)

One night we drove into Asheville and met our friends, Daniel, Lynne, Adam, Sarah, and Dillan Pearson! They are from our church in Jacksonville and moved away after Dillan was born. We had a nice meal and time at the their house. I loved watching everyone try the hool-a-hoop! that's us in their backyard! Lynne and kids came up to our cabin one afternoon. Swimming, etc.. FUN!

We tried our hands (or clubs) at golf one day. I decided not to chase golfballs, just watch.too much fun!

Our last day we went into Burnsville to mama's favorite shop: D.K. Puttyroot. It's a card/handmade papers/calligraphy and tea shop. We ate in the Indian room (they have an Oriental and African room, too). Then we walked around downtown. Lots of the buildings had murals...

this must be the "yellow brick road"

We will never forget the beautiful sunrises and sunsets viewed from our deck. Amma and Misty were both inspired to paint watercolors of them (paintings not included here..)

See God's brushstrokes of color across the sky! Praise His matchless Name!!!

Well, as all good blogs must come to an end, let me leave you with some child-like wonder:

Raja, you make flowers seem more beautiful!!!

Laughter squealing..
golf balls racing across hardwood floors, walker whizzing across the deck, bits of red flowers picked and strewn, splashing and watching water fall, crawling on restaurant floors, discovering first book (on dinosaurs), countless attempts on climbing stairs, making friends with that endless smile, and giving parents a reason to sell the small car for a van (that's later...)

God is good. His big (mountains) creations and small (babies) never cease to give us wonder and a reason to praise Him.

You all have a wonder-full day and we'll be back real soon!

Derick, Sarah and baby Raja

Monday, July 30, 2007

June Bug!

June Bug!...RAJA is good...... just me a'smilin' in the hood with dad...and......grasping for...


It's June after all, and I love being out in nature...
My backyard is so great, I even bring my visitors here...
...and we admire flowers...
...I match in my pink dress!
I also eat in the backyard (no, not leaves and dirt...yet!)
Two close friends came to visit me. Satish and Pastor Valdex!
After many attempts at convincing, my parents finally took me to the beach. Grandma Burke made me my own sun hat, it's a little big yet! I didn't get in the water, but got to crawl on the sand. Dada carried me in a pouch, too. It was a beautiful day!
Come back in July, I've gots lots to show you! (hint: our vacation!)
Hope you are all having a great summer! Come down to Florida (Jacksonville) and visit me anytime! We love guests! I entertain!!!
Love in Jesus,
David Raja Leonard

Monday, June 11, 2007

Raja's Monthly Memories
Aprilवी May...

this is me and my smile/laugh... I'm generally happy thus making everyone else happy too... (expect when I have fever because I'm teething...)
April started off with Palm Sunday and the next week is Easter. For us, it is a major time for celebrating the death and resurrection of our saviour, Jesus the Son of God. In the Old Testament we're told the story of how Abraham was asked of God to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. This was a test of Abraham's devotion to God who said this was the son of promise through whom he would be blessed (the whole Jewish nation was to come from his seed). But Abraham believed God could resurrect the dead (although he had never seen it), so with an open heart he was willing to give back to God what God had given him in his old age... a son. Just as he lifted the knife to sacrifice his son, God called from heaven to stop, He had a provision (a lamb was nearby). God saw Abraham's faith and blessed him. Isaac, his son, lived and had two of his own sons and from Jacob had twelve more (the twelve tribes of Israel were birthed) and later King David, and Jesus Christ (who's father was God). Abraham's sacrifice pointed to God's very own sacrifice of His one and only Son. The lamb that was the provision for Abraham pointed to the spotless Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.
Palm Sunday is the time when Jesus was entering Jerusalem on His way to be sacrificed. Good Friday (Friday after Palm Sunday) is the day He was crucified. Easter is the next Sunday when Jesus rose from the dead. The book of John says, "Because He lives, we shall also live." Jesus has ascended into heaven and is waiting till all who believe in Him, will, and He will come back and receive us as His bride (He is our bridegroom). There is no greater joy for a follower of Christ to know one day we will see His face, His nail-pierced hands and feet from hanging on the cross and dying in our place. Through His death and resurrection He has conquered sin and death - the works of the devil. He has secured our place in heaven with Himself forever. And when He returns, it will be as a triumphant warrior who will claim all whom He fought for. That gives me pause and all my life I want to sing as loud as possible, "Hallelujah...and He shall reign forever and ever!!!!!" (Handel's Messiah).
How does the fact Jesus died and rose again affect my life today? When I see the works of the devil and selfishness of men I wonder why "God so loved the world He gave His only Son"...? We know our own hearts and we know we don't deserve this amazing love and forgiveness of our sins. The provision for our sins did not come without a price as you read before. Sin kills. It even kills the Son of God. But, that's not the end of the story. God does resurrect the dead. And just as Jesus lives again, he can resurrect our shattered lives, too. How? You don't need to know allot about the Bible, but you must believe Jesus to be the One to rescue you from your sins. He understands you, He will listen. He made you and you will never know Love till you see Him. How? Realize you have been trying to live life your own way and you know it's not right. You have nowhere else to turn but to look up. Look up and say, "Jesus, if you are who you say you are, the very Son of God, and if you died for my sin so I won't have to suffer all it's consequences. Then, I give you my life. I sacrifice all my rights to myself and my dreams like Abraham did and accept your provision, Jesus. Come into my heart, you are now Lord of my life. I will do whatever you ask me. For you love me so much and I can't stop praising you! Thank you, Jesus, thank you." If this is your prayer, get a Bible and read all about your Saviour. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask. But, a gift Jesus will give you when you call out to Him is his Holy Spirit. He will come into your heart and you will be taught how to love Jesus and love those things Jesus loves. It is an exciting adventure when you know you will never again be alone and He is coming back to receive you too! Let us know all about it!!!!

this is me and papa on Palm Sundaymama and me, same dayditto....

papa and me...
Papa got a video/camera, so he and mama are happily taking pictures and videos of me. Perhaps dadda will share some videos with you on the next blog. For now, just imagine me laughing and moving around!!!

yeah, you'll have to imagine me moving around, cause I'm not here...
here I'm moving and grooving and...
yep, "reading" a book...
We've done lots of outings, too. We have a little park nearby that we walk to. Mama calls it Jasmine park because it grows there. See...!!!

We स्विंग there too... and sit in trees with cousin, Barbora...see!

April 17th was papa's big day - his birthday! I helped mama pick out a chocolate-chip cookie cake and helium balloon with Tow-Matur from the animated film, Cars, on it. Last year, mama threw a big surprise party for papa, so this year was just family and we met at our favorite family hang out - La Napolera Mexican restaurant. Even Uncle Timmy was there from Seattle! Wish I could show you pictures of it, but mama forgot the camera... oh well, here's me and papa hanging out!
who's cuter?!!!
My friend, Pervez, came home and offered to take me on a motorcycle ride. We didn't go far, just our driveway, but it sure was fun!!
And then Grandma and Grandpa, cousin Barbora, mama and dadda and I went to the beach. It was a wierd day. There were lots of forest fires nearby, so the air was smoky and the sky, hazy...

So closes April and May! See you all in June!!!
David Raja